4.1 Welfare Resources and People
4.2 University Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service
4.3 University Counselling Service
You may experience struggles of one kind or another during your time in Oxford, whether they are study-related or personal, but you do not have to struggle on your own. We have a dedicated welfare team here to support all aspects of your health and wellbeing whilst you are studying here.
Maintaining good mental health is just as important as maintaining good physical health and our aim is to take a holistic approach to support your wellness and development.
4.1 Welfare Resources and People
Our Welfare Team consists of the Welfare Dean, the Senior Tutor, Sub-Deans, the Disability Lead and Disability Coordinator, Harassment Advisors and Peer Supporters. Your College Advisor will also be able to help you in finding relevant sources of help and support. The Welfare Team will work proactively and collaboratively with representatives from the graduate body, academic staff, university-wide services, and community services to support you.
Further information about the College’s welfare support can be found here.
Student Assistance Programme
Reuben College offers a free Student Assistance Programme (SAP) which provides a 24/7 confidential call service, online health portal and personal app.
You can use the SAP day or night for a variety of support needs, including for stress and anxiety, low mood, medical information, alcohol or drug issues, and nutritional advice.
Phone the helpline on 0800 028 3766 or find out more here on our website.
Welfare Dean - Kirren Mahmood (Email: welfare.dean@reuben.ox.ac.uk)
The Welfare Dean can offer support to students dealing with any issues related to welfare or wellbeing. Support is tailored to the specific needs of each student and subject to the Welfare Dean’s capacity. This may include:
- Being a friendly face and having an informal chat when you need it
- Offering a reflective space and actively listening to your problems
- Developing a shared understanding of the presenting problem/s
- Psychoeducation and raising awareness of other significant issues including remits/criteria for relevant services
- Sharing self-help resources and information
- Signposting (directing our students to the most relevant services/ professionals for their needs)
- Offering preliminary evidence-based interventions for mild to moderate difficulties such as low mood, anxiety, stress and feeling overwhelmed
Kirren will be available for confidential drop-in sessions and pre-scheduled appointments. If you ever feel distressed, struggle with your mental health or are having any personal problems; experience relationship/ family issues; substance misuse; or you are just worried about your work, please do not hesitate to contact her.
Kirren is also one of the College's Harassment Advisors and oversees the student Peer Supporters (trained by the University Counselling Service).
Senior Tutor & College Disability Lead - Dr Caroline Mawson (Email: senior.tutor@reuben.ox.ac.uk)
Caroline is concerned with students’ progress and assisting with any problems related to your studies and work. She has a welfare responsibility in conjunction with that of College Advisors and the other members of the welfare team. If you have any concerns regarding your academic progress, working relationship with advisors, or your department, please contact Caroline.
Academic Administrator & Disability Coordinator - Leema Chapman (Email: academic.administrator@reuben.ox.ac.uk)
As Academic Administrator, Leema’s role includes providing on-course student support in academic related matters such as extension requests, suspensions, examinations, withdrawals, and managing arrangements for degree ceremonies.
Along with the Senior Tutor, Leema is responsible for advising students about provision and support available for a wide range of disabilities. She can help you with any reasonable adjustments you may require to have the full experience of what this college and University has to offer.
University Disability Advisory Service
Leema and Caroline may liaise with linked staff members from the University Disability Advisory Service, DAS (Fiona Thorne and Pauline Graham) who are specialist advisors for information and advice on disability issues. They can help facilitate further assessment and support if required to help you access all aspects of your education and college life. For further information, please refer to the college Disability Resources and Advice webpage. They also manage exam support for students.
If you have a disability (a long-term physical or mental health condition that affects your ability to carry out day-to-day activities), or think you may have one, you are welcome to consult the Senior Tutor or Disability Coordinator confidentially in the first instance.
The University also has a wide range of resources that provide information and advice on disability issues.
Sub-Deans form a core part of the College’s welfare and pastoral support, assisting the Dean, Welfare Dean, and College staff in creating a welcoming, safe, and supportive environment for our college community. Our Sub-Deans have a rotating roster and are available to assist our students with any difficulties that may arise out of hours, including help or advice for any pastoral/welfare issue, personal problem, illness, or crisis and matters relating to inconsiderate/antisocial behaviour.
The Sub-Deans are based in Farndon Court and Winchester Road (Reuben College accommodation sites), and students can contact the on-call Sub-Dean on 07564 045442 and sub.dean@reuben.ox.ac.uk for urgent issues that arise out of hours (please do not use personal email addresses for Sub-Dean matters).
College GP
For information about NHS healthcare for students, please visit this webpage and see the Medical Care section of this handbook.
Peer Supporters
If you start feeling isolated, struggle to settle in, or you have any concerns about any aspect of college life, you might prefer to approach a Peer Supporter in the first instance.
Peer Supporters are students who have received intensive training and regular supervision by the University Counselling Service to help other students think through issues and provide emotional support in a safe and confidential manner. To find out more about who they are, see here or email peer.support@reuben.ox.ac.uk.
If you are interested in becoming a Peer Supporter see here.
Harassment Advisors (Bullying & Harassment)
Neither the University nor the College tolerate bullying, harassment, or victimisation in any form. All members of the College are expected to treat each other fairly and with respect, courtesy, and consideration.
If you feel that you have experienced any bullying or harassment, Harassment Advisors are available to help. They can clarify the options open to you, assist you in resolving the matter informally where possible, and support you throughout the resolution of your concerns. Information will be held in confidence, except in cases where there is an unacceptable risk to a member of staff, student, or to the University.
See more details here.
Additional support and guidance from the University on Harassment:
- Students can contact the University's harassment line on 01865 270760 or harassment.line@admin.ox.ac.uk.
- For information, help and advice available to students dealing with harassment and conflict please see here.
- For further information about the University’s response to bullying and harassment, including the Harassment Advisor Network, see here.
- See the University's full policy and procedure on harassment and a helpful one-page flow-chart to guide students who are experiencing harassment.
4.2 University Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service
The Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service (SHVSS) provides a safe space for all Oxford students to be heard, offering free support and advice to any student who has been impacted by sexual harassment and/or violence. All specialist advisors at the service are trained to support you at your pace, free of charge and in confidence.
The University also has an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) who provides emotional and practical support and advice to any student who has experienced sexual violence, recently or in the past. Students can self-refer to the ISVA using a referral form, or can email oxforduniisva@osarcc.org.uk for further advice.
4.3 University Counselling Service
It is often possible to resolve personal or emotional problems with help from the Student Assistance Programme, the Senior Tutor, Welfare Dean, or the College Doctor.
However, if you need to speak to a professional counsellor or therapist, the University has an excellent counselling service. They offer individual counselling, workshops or short courses, group counselling, self-help resources and podcasts to help you gain understanding and insight into any difficulties you may be experiencing.
Oxford University Counselling Service offer free and confidential support, but they are not an emergency service. Appointments can be made by telephone (01865 270300), by email to counselling@admin.ox.ac.uk, or by a personal visit to their offices at 3 Worcester Street, OX1 2BX.