Governance and Policies
Copies of all the documents on these pages are available in alternative formats on request. Please email
College Governance
Reuben College was established in 2019 and is a Society of the University of Oxford under Statute V of the University’s Statutes. The College is governed by Council Regulations 1 of 2019. The links below provide access to the full text of these University statutes and regulations.
- University Statute V: Colleges, Societies and Permanent Private Halls
- Full text of the Council Regulations 1
The College By-Laws were made by the College’s Governing Body, in accordance with powers granted under University Council Regulations 1 of 2019, and came into force 13th July 2020. As a Society, the College’s By-Laws are approved by Council, and stand as a bridge between its establishing Council Regulations and its Governing Body policies and procedures.
College Policies
As a Society of the University of Oxford, Reuben College operates in accordance with University policies and procedures. As a new college, some of our specific policies are under review by the Governing Body, and will be published here when available.
Information and data policies
- Student Privacy Notice - As a Society of the University, Reuben College follows the University Student Privacy Notice in respect of its use of student data (and references to “we” in that Notice should be interpreted as referring to Reuben College where applicable).
University data protection policy - how we use your data
University Freedom of information - how to submit an FOI request
University Information Security - policy and implementation guidance
University Information Technology (IT) - guidance and governance
- Reuben College Social Media Policy (pdf)
Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Reuben College EDI statement, policy and action plan
- Policy & Procedure on Harassment
- Reuben College Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
- Policy on supporting students with disabilities in the provision of College Accommodation
Student related policies: Reuben members
- College Complaints Procedure for Reuben Students (pdf)
- Policy on the prevention of student-staff relationships (pdf)
- Reuben College Confidentiality Policy (pdf)
- Policy on possession, supply and production of drugs (pdf)
- Reuben College Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (pdf)
Annual Reports and Financial Statements
Reuben College has committees that oversee different aspects of College management and decision making.

All of our committees are held in person with hybrid options for all but Governing Body.
Governing Body As a Society of the University, Reuben College does not yet have a separate legal standing comparable to those colleges with Royal Charters. It follows that Reuben’s Governing Body does not have the same range of legal responsibilities as other colleges’ GBs (e.g. in relation to personnel matters, property, financial management) or Charitable Trustees. However, Governing Body Fellows are expected to discharge their responsibilities in a similar way. Membership entails a high degree of responsibility to ensure that the College operates properly, to foster a shared sense of what the College stands for, and to support its journey towards chartered status within the University. |
Graduate Provision Committee (Graduate Liaison, Clubs and Societies) This committee provides a consultative forum for student representatives. It monitors and oversees graduate provision, including domestic facilities and provision, and any other issues relating to Reuben graduate students. |
Governance, Appointments and Associate Membership Committee This committee keeps the College's Bylaws, Standing Orders and Regulations under review and brings to Governing Body recommendations for amendment as appropriate. It also considers Associate Membership applications and receives reports from the sub-committees for Visiting Fellowships, and Research Fellowships and Early-Career Mentoring. |
Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Welfare Committee This committee provides a consultative forum for staff and students to discuss equality and welfare matters, coordinates Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy development and the year-by-year identification of priorities for action. It also monitors the implementation of action plans within the College in relation to the EDI Policy. |
Strategic Planning Committee This Committee develops proposals for the Governing Body, to ensure that the College maintains a clear and effective overview of strategic academic policy, including recommendations on the shape and size of the College. It monitors and evaluates the implementation of College and University policies and recommends to the Governing Body changes in College policy and practice. Alongside Governance & Appointments Committee, it also recommends the filling or re-filling of academic posts, with delegate authority to agree the composition of selection committees, review the terms and further particulars of these posts, and develop proposals for the academic terms and conditions of service relating to the academic posts within the College. As appropriate, it receives recommendations and proposals from the President, Advisory Board, or other relevant body on fundraising and development strategies and prospects, and receives reports of strategic importance from Academic Programme Committee, Communications, Alumni & Development Committee, and Environmental Sustainability Committee. |
Finance and Resources Committee This committee determines and manages the financial and investment strategy of the College on behalf of the Governing Body. The Committee normally deals with matters at a policy, planning and strategic level, and leaving detailed financial and operational decisions to appropriate Officers and staff. This involves financial planning and budgeting (both short-term and long-term), monitoring and managing financial performance and adjusting expenditure as necessary, considering bids from budget managers for adjustment of budgets, and financial appraisal of projects and developments. It also provides accounting information on fundraising income and expenditure, scrutinizes the annual accounts, allocates unrestricted funds and other income to areas of activity agreed by the Governing Body, and reviews the College's investment. In addition, it keeps under review the College's obligations and commitments made within agreement with donors, advises College Officers on relevant matters, develops a College Building strategy and programme within defined financial parameters and explicit priorities, monitors progress on major building projects against schedule and budget, and considers and advises on financial policies and internal controls. The Finance and Resources Committee also oversees risk and audit for the College. |
Personnel and Domestic Committee This committee is responsible for leading the College on all strategic matters relating to personnel, employment policy, industrial relations, training, equal opportunities, health, safety, and welfare in accordance with University of Oxford policies and to promote good quality relationships and communication with staff and Fellows, making recommendations to Governing Body. It reviews staff working conditions and wellbeing, ensures performance management meetings are carried out for all staff, reviews and considers staff grievances, and receives periodic reports on improving motivation, recruitment, and retention of staff. It also reviews audit reports and self-assessment returns prior to signoff and submission to the Central University, reviews the minutes of any sub-committees, and reviews regularly any emerging risks that have been identified for inclusion on the risk register. |
Early Career Research Committee This committee makes recommendations to the Governing Body on the criteria for awarding Research Fellowships, oversees the advertisement and approves the Selection Committee for Research Fellows, and leads on and supports the mentoring and career development of Research Fellows. |
Visiting Fellowship Committee This committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Governing Body on the process and criteria for awarding Visiting Fellowships, reviews gathered field nominations, and prepares a shortlist for Governing Body consideration. It also approaches candidates regarding their interest in a potential relationship, and reviews the effectiveness of the scheme and mentoring arrangements. |
Academic Programme Committee This committee coordinates events and seminar series (external and internal) for each academic year, ensuring a balance of provision, reviews processes, budget expenditure and practical requirements for agreed projects, and facilitates themes and strategic areas in reporting to Strategic Planning Committee. |
Communications, Alumni & Development Committee This committee reviews internal and external communications, considers College branding and reputational matters, and notes engagement and communication with GLAM, PER, and specific research themes. It also promotes the engagement of all members of the College in fundraising and sponsorship, contributes to fundraising strategy for approval by the Governing Body, and monitors fundraising progress. |
Environmental Sustainability Committee This committee provides a consultative forum for discussion of sustainability matters, coordinates and designs the college's sustainability agenda and identifies priorities, and monitors the implementation of action plans within the college in relation to its sustainability agenda. |
IT and Information Security Committee This committee advises on all IT matters affecting the College, promotes good information security governance, and provides oversight of the College's data protection responsibilities. It advises on the strategic direction for the College's IT, supports the delivery of core strategic goals, and monitors progress against agreed targets. It oversees IT expenditure, reviews and develops the College's IT policies and procedures, and advises on the management and maintenance of the College's IT policies, facilities, and service. It also identifies and leads the management of strategic risk in relation to IT, monitors compliance with external regulations, and ensures all mandatory training is undertaken by all members of the College. |
Estates and Infrastructure Committee This committee keeps under review the development, condition, design, utilisation, performance and sustainability of the College Estate and oversees the Estates infrastructure programme. It leads the Estates Strategy for the development of the College in line with the College Strategic Plan, and manages, reviews, and makes recommendations relating to the acquisition, disposal, development and management of properties, the estate and/or infrastructure as needed. It reviews and approves projects from the Estates and Facilities Budget and approves capital projects funded from other capital projects funded from other capital budgets on estate and facilities related matters, approves the detailed programme of long-term maintenance work within the approved budget, and oversees the effective management and use of the College estate. It considers the impact on the student experience when reviewing proposed estates developments, reviews any emerging risks and ensures appropriate mitigations are in place, and establishes sub-groups as required to deliver specific areas of the committee's remit. The Committee also oversees health, safety and College facilities. |
Staff Consultative, Welfare & Equality Committee This committee provides a forum for communication, consultation and discussion between College staff representatives and College Officers regarding policies, current issues, and future developments, including working conditions, training, and welfare, as well as ensuring there is an integrated, proactive approach to equality, diversity and inclusion. It discusses general wellbeing ideas or events, specific health and safety matters, staff incentives and other relevant employee issues. It promotes a positive wellbeing culture throughout the College, and consults on and coordinates social activities and events for staff. |
Catering Committee This committee advises on the delivery of the catering service and facilities. This includes tenders and contracts, pricing structure, cleanliness and hygiene, reasonable charges, variety, quality and quantity of food, efficient management and staffing, and forward planning. It reviews financial reports, makes recommendations on the review of the College's catering and hospitality services to ensure that it is responsive to the needs of the Fellows, students, and staff, and assesses the performance of the catering and hospitality services to ensure best practice is achieved. It ensures all catering services are run in accordance with the University's guidelines and are delivered effectively within budget, makes proposals for the development of physical space and equipment to meet modern catering expectations, and ensures that all regulatory requirements are in place, up-to-date, and all required training is undertaken, managed, and recorded.