Course Fees
Course fees have to be paid in full before a student can matriculate.
Details about paying your course fees can be found here.
Accommodation, Events and Merchandise
Payment for Reuben items and services is made via the On-Line Store which can be found here.
You will need to set up a personal account and make payment with a card in the usual way. Further help can be found on the landing page in “Help & Information”.
On-Course Financial Grants
Reuben College provides a range of grants for its graduate students. Grants may be applied for under the following main categories:
- Academic Related
- Wellbeing, Sports and College Engagement
- Reuben Group-based Academic Activities
- Discretionary Support for students with declared disabilities
- Financial Assistance
Once students are on-course, they can access the Student SharePoint page more information about the criteria for each grant and instructions on how to apply.
Financial Support
During the admissions process, eligible students are automatically considered for the Oxford-Reuben Graduate Scholarships, which cover full course fees and maintenance for the duration of the course for selected students. For details of these awards and other funding opportunities, please see Funding your Studies webpage.