The College Library offers a welcoming and comfortable study space located on the second floor which is available 24/7 to all members, except during College vacation periods. The library has 22 desk spaces for formal silent study, including 2 height adjustable desks, prioritised for use by students who require these for medical or mobility reasons. The library is also equipped with 2 standard monitors and 3 hub monitors with HDMI cables attached to plug in personal laptops.
Spaces for informal study, especially those involving group work, are available across various areas of the college, including the Hooke entrance.
*Please note that the Reuben College Library is separate from the Radcliffe Science Library, which operates with its own opening hours.
Library Regulations
Please keep phones on silent and all conversation to a minimum.
Only drinks with lids are permitted in the library.
Please do not leave your belongings on the desks. The library does not take responsibility for any private possessions.
There are two separate book collections on the library shelves:
- Academic books
- Equality, diversity, inclusion & welfare collection (EDIW
All Reuben Library books can be borrowed via the self-issue terminal.
Books are loaned for a week, but will automatically renew for up to 112 days (16 weeks) unless reserved by another student.
Loan limits are:
Graduates Taught
Graduates Research
Graduates Taught (SSP)
Graduates Research (SSP)
Returns should be left on the shelves below the self-issue terminal.
Printing, Scanning and IT Support
Printing and scanning facilities are available around the building.
Wireless access is available throughout the library using Eduroam. If you have any problems with the College IT facilities, please email
If you have any difficulty in accessing the library, using library materials or are unsure about how accessible the library would be to you please contact the Librarian.
See also the Bodleian Libraries' Services for disabled readers.
Contact the Library
For any assistance, advice and book recommendations, please contact