Post-Doctoral (or equivalent) Associate Common Room Members
Category B (Launching HT25)
By virtue of association with a Fellow of the College or other academic connection with the College’s interests and themes.
Agreement to membership is discretionary, with applications reviewed by college committee. If granted, membership will be for two years and is non-renewable, so as to allow for a turnover in membership and extension over time across a wide number of post-doctoral employees (or employees at an equivalent standing in departments, such as lab managers) in differing fields.
Opportunities for membership within this category will be advertised to members across the University (for example, through the Researcher Hub) and, where possible, applications review in a gathered field. Applications must be supported or nominated by a GB Fellows and/or President of the College and supporting evidence must cite the mutual benefit expected by the association, for example in engagement with theme or strategic area activities by virtue of the applicant’s academic specialism. In assessing applications the relevant college committee will give due consideration to achieving a reflective balance of the College’s interests, and ensuring a broad range of membership. Membership would be contingent on continued holding of a postdoctoral (or equivalent – normally with PhD or in Grade 7+) post at the University and would be offered on a non-renewable basis, so as to ensure that the benefit of associate membership is not restricted to a relatively static cohort over time.
Deadline: 27 January 2025
Apply here: Category B form