Disability resources and advice

Reuben College is committed to supporting students and staff with disabilities. We work closely with the University’s Disability Advisory Service (DAS), and with Occupational Health (OH), to ensure we offer appropriate support both in working with individual staff and students. This is pivotal in shaping the broader culture of our College, both physical and academic. Everyone at Reuben is committed to creating a fair, positive, and actively inclusive environment for all members of our community.

Please see the attached steps in the form of a journey map, which you may find useful, as a disabled student at Oxford Journey-map

Sections in this page include: Meeting student needsDisclosing a disability / Key contacts / Financial support / Exams / Additional resources 

Meeting student needs

Responsibility for meeting the needs of disabled students is shared across the collegiate University, with four parts taking a leading role: the Disability Advisory Service (DAS); the colleges; departments/faculties; and the Proctors. Together, they support disabled students throughout their University career, including the admissions process, teaching and learning, examinations, and wider social and recreational life. The particular roles and responsibilities of the constituent parts of the University are identified in the Common Framework for supporting students with disabilities, but the guiding principles that underpin the Framework are relevant and applicable to all. 

A collaborative approach will be adopted by those staff supporting disabled students to facilitate the smooth and coherent implementation of reasonable adjustments. Within this collaborative context, the lead responsibility for maintaining oversight throughout a student’s studies will be taken by departments/faculties in the case of graduates, in close consultation with DAS. 

The College is a signatory of the University’s Common Framework on Disability and works proactively to improve experiences for all students and staff with disabilities.

Disclosing a disability

If a disability (whether a physical disability, a mental health condition or a specific learning difficulty) means that you have particular requirements, it is helpful for the College to know this as soon as possible so that it can support you, both academically and in terms of any domestic needs. You are therefore encouraged to discuss your needs and concerns with us, in confidence. Your key College contacts are listed below. Whilst disclosure might be recommended, all officers will respect your confidentiality as far as safety allows.

You don’t have to disclose whether you have a disability. However, there are benefits to disclosing. If we are aware in advance of any particular difficulties you might encounter, we can provide you with appropriate support and make reasonable adjustments.

If you did not disclose as part of the application process, you are strongly advised to do so as early as possible, preferably before you arrive in College, by contacting either the College's Disability Coordinator or the Disability Advisory Service (see contact information below). All information you provide is treated confidentially, and will only be shared with advisors or other members of staff with your permission.

If you would like to seek a diagnosis whilst already at College - including dyslexia or a mental health condition - you can also contact the University Disability Advisory Service, Disability Coordinator or, where relevant, the College Doctor.

If you register with the Disability Advisory Service, they will work with you to draw up a Student Support Plan. The Student Support Plan includes information and recommendations to support your studies while you are here. With your consent, the Plan can be communicated with your faculty/department, your college, libraries and services, where relevant, to assist them in making reasonable adjustments for you.  

With regards to provision of college accommodation based on a disability, please go to our Disability Resources and Advice page: Disability Resources where you will find our policy on supporting students with disabilities in the provision of college accommodation. 

Key contacts

College Staff with specific disability responsibilities:

University Disability Advisors for Reuben College: 

  • Pauline Graham - Primary contact for SpLD, autism spectrum condition or physical health issues
  • Fiona Thorne - Primary contact for mental health issues

University of Oxford Disability Advisory Service (Email: disability@admin.ox.ac.uk)

Find your departmental contacts with specific disability responsibilities.

Financial support

Find up-to-date information on funding here.   

Even if you have previously received DSA for your undergraduate studies, you will need to complete the full DSA1 forms for postgraduate Study. If you have Research Council funding, the Disability Advisory Service will need to arrange a Study Needs Assessment and seek approval from the Research Council. Please contact the Disability Advisory Service for up-to-date details.

Course adjustments and exam arrangements

The University is willing to consider appropriate and reasonable adjustments to both teaching and, with agreement of the University, assessment (examining) while on course.

Students with a disability, including specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyspraxia, or a medical condition will need medical (or other independent, specialist) evidence to apply for special study or examination arrangements. Examinations arrangements are authorised by the University, but made through the Academic Office.

Depending on individual needs, the kind of adjustments that may be possible include:

  • Extending your period of study
  • Providing readers/scribes or Braille texts
  • Allowing a different mode of assessment
  • Rescheduling of examinations
  • Providing extra time in examinations
  • Extensions to submission deadlines
  • Sitting examinations in College
  • Allowing you to use word processors in examinations

You should apply for exam adjustments after matriculation and no later than Friday of Week 4 of the term before the exam is due to take place. It is your responsibility to request alternative arrangements and provide any supporting evidence required. For exam adjustments due to specific learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia; you should apply no later than Friday of Week 4 of Hilary Term.  

Additional sources of support and advice

Bodleian Libraries makes available a wide range of e-books which are recommended by the University Counselling Service; these e-books cover topics such as academic life, identity, self-care, relationships, mental health, disability and overcoming traumatic events.

The Oxford Student Union (Oxford SU) has a Welfare and Equal Opportunities full-time sabbatical representative, and runs an SU Disabilities Campaign. Students with a disability may also find the Oxford Student Union’s Student Advice Service helpful.