Grants administered under Discretionary Support

Grants for Students with Declared Disabilities 
Applicants All graduate students registered with the University’s Disability Advisory Service
Purpose To contribute to academic-related costs recommended within a Student Support Plan but not provided for within the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) or by other means.
Quantity Normally a maximum of £100 for equipment, £50 per annum for photocopying and consumables
  • Awards are not automatic but will be assessed by the Senior Tutor and Welfare Dean; applications must be supported by a Student Support Plan (a copy of which is normally held by the Academic Administrator)
  • Where applications are sensitive, delegated authority will be given to the Senior Tutor, as College’s Disability Lead, to authorize, and in consultation as necessary with the University’s Disability Advisory Service.

Discretionary Support Fund

Submit online applications  by Monday 4th week (MT, HT, TT) for consideration by the Senior Tutor and Welfare Dean on Monday 6th week each term.

Urgent applications outside of this timeframe will be considered by direct request to the Senior Tutor.