Lauren is Associate Professor of Geography Education in the Department of Education, where she teaches on the PGCE Geography and MSc Learning and Teaching, and supervises DPhil in Education students.
Lauren began her career as a teacher of geography and head of department in schools, working primarily in London and Singapore. Prior to joining the University of Oxford, Lauren was Lecturer in Geography Education at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society (2014-2022) and Lecturer in Teacher Education at Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh (2022-2024).
Lauren is recognised as Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) for her work in connecting research and teaching across the disciplines of geography and education, and her work in mentoring and partnership in teacher education. She is Honorary Lecturer at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society and Associate Fellow of the Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research (CTTR).
Lauren’s research is interdisciplinary and examines the relationships between children, geography and education. She is particularly interested in children’s geographies and children’s citizenship, and in considering how education can empower young people in their lives and futures. Lauren is also interested in geographies of education and education spaces and examining how in/justices are (re)produced in, and through, education, and the relationships between education, space and place. Lauren’s scholarship mainly lies in the field of Geography Education, and she is interested in how geography is constructed, taught, experienced and imagined from early years through to postgraduate level, and in a range of spaces. Lauren is committed to developing geography education research(ers) and serves as Secretary for the Geography Education Research Collective (GEReCo). Lauren is an active member of the Geographical Association (GA) and a member of the Geography Education Research Special Interest Group (GERSIG). She is a member of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society (RSGS), Scottish Association of Geography Teachers (SAGT) and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS).