Lei Clifton is a Senior Researcher based in the Big Data Institute (BDI) at the Nuffield Department of Population Health (NDPH). She is also Team Leader and principal medical statistician of the Translational Epidemiology Unit (TEU), and leads a programme of research in translational epidemiology, where her work includes using AI in the context of medical statistics. This collaborative research aims to expand medical statistics to incorporate recent advances in ML in a way that is helpful to epidemiologists in understanding and improving public health.
From 2014-2018, Lei worked in the Centre for Statistics in Medicine (CSM), where she led statistical work on clinical trials, observational studies, and research on trial methodology. From 2009 - 2014, she worked in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, where she undertook research into statistical time-series models for providing early warning of deterioration in post-surgery patients.
Lei was awarded a PhD in Statistical Signal Processing in 2007 from UMIST (now the University of Manchester), after completing her BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering at the Beijing Institute of Technology, China.