Reuben and Linacre Colleges are pleased to announce a partnership for the 2021-22 academic year, which will see a sharing of facilities, sports and events for the graduate students of the two colleges. As Reuben’s permanent site continues to undergo redevelopment and refurbishment, the first cohort of Reuben students, its Fellows and staff will benefit from the very generous offer from neighbouring Linacre College to share its grounds, buildings and facilities with them.
The respective Heads of House, college officers and graduate presidents of the two colleges have been working hard behind the scenes to develop imaginative ways of working together. Sharing ideas, communities and values, Reuben and Linacre Colleges seek to build from this year a strong collaborative ethos, leading to opportunities for common activities and events.
“We at Linacre are particularly aware of the need for increased capacity and better quality facilities for the University’s graduate community and we strongly support the development of Oxford’s newest graduate college. When Linacre was established, nearly 60 years ago, several colleges offered assistance to get us through the difficult early years. We, in turn, are delighted to offer a helping hand to Reuben College. We look forward to an exciting year of collaboration.”
Linacre’s Principal, Dr Nick Brown
Whilst some areas of Linacre’s main site will be dedicated to Reuben students and Fellows, for example their Common Room, there will be a coming together in core activities. Reuben students will be able to access library, social, sporting, lunch and dining facilities on a par with Linacre students. Social-distancing restrictions permitting, each college will also enjoy formal hall arrangements once a week during term. Student reps are looking forward to planning joint as well as dedicated activities, and Reuben students will be encouraged to stand for college committee positions linked to such activities, with mentorship from their Linacre counterparts.
“We’re very excited to work together next year to help welcome Reuben’s first cohort of students. We’re hopeful that both of our common rooms will really enjoy the extra opportunities for getting involved and meeting new people that will come about from our shared social spaces and joint events.”
Reuben and Linacre Colleges' student presidents, Lauren and Sameer
Acknowledging the importance of turning challenges into opportunities, and the benefits of Oxford’s collaboration between colleges as evidenced in Linacre’s generous support, Reuben’s Head of House, Professor Lionel Tarassenko, said:
“The RSL re-furbishment programme has encountered major delays for several reasons, including the late discovery of asbestos-containing materials in the plaster of the walls and ceilings of the historic Jackson building. I am very grateful for all the help that Linacre, and in particular their Principal, have given us, ever since Parks College (as we were first known) was first mooted as a new graduate college. Our partnership with them on their main site will make it possible for us to offer our first, pioneering cohort of students a unique and enriching college experience from the time that they arrive in Oxford.”
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