Artwork on display in Austrian Gallery for Reuben student

Congratulations to Reuben student Devin Kenny (DPhil candidate in Art) who has his art work ‘Shake-Up Environment’ displayed in the Galerie Thoman gallery in Vienna, Austria until the 28th July.

The exhibition brings together Devin’s work with that of Franz West, and is the first of a three-part exhibition series organised by curator Pia-Marie Remmers.

Devin works with various media including sculpture, painting, performance, video and text to further complicate the dynamics of contemporary culture, and within the show Devin created lustrous physical prints on metal, based on AI-supported digital collages, which were originally made for the Whitney Museum in New York last year.

Similar to an Easter egg in a computer program, or more generally in graffiti or street skateboarding, in the exhibition you are rewarded for looking at your surroundings closely, or with a specific gaze.