
Current academic and staff vacancies are listed below.

To find out about future vacancies, follow us on FacebookX, LinkedInInstagram or Threads.

You can also visit our People page to learn more about current fellows and staff at the College.

Staff posts

Lodge Porter (Nights)

This is an exciting opportunity to join Reuben College as a Night Porter.  You will carry out regular security patrols of the college, monitor the alarms and CCTV.  Provide a friendly and approachable environment for students; assisting them with their enquiries, and sign posting them to our Welfare Team if issues arise.

The Lodge operate a night shift rota system: 4 nights on 4 nights off, that includes weekends and bank holidays.


About you

  • You will be a good communicator with experience of working in a customer facing role
  • You will have personal resilience with the ability to handle challenging situations with calmness and diplomacy
  • You will be committed to supporting the welfare needs of the student body; providing a friendly, approachable and safe environment for students
  • You will have an adaptable and positive approach to change
  • You will have an awareness and sensitivity to different cultures and languages


How to apply

You will be required to upload your CV and a ‘supporting evidence form’ using the attached template, explaining how you meet each one of the selection criteria listed in the job description.

If you would like to discuss this role please contact the Head Porter, at or email


Deadline: This advert will remain open until the vacancy is filled.


Further particulars can be found here.

Academic posts

Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology

Applications are invited for an Associate Professorship of Clinical Psychology jointly based at the Department of Experimental Psychology and the Institute of Clinical Psychology, Oxford, with effect from 1 October 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The post is in association with a Fellowship by Special Election at Reuben College. The Associate Professor will join a dynamic and collaborative department whose aim is to conduct world-leading experimental research to understand the psychological and neural mechanisms relevant to human behaviour and to translate these findings into evidence-based public benefits and mental health and wellbeing, education, industry, and policy.  

The main duties of this post will be to conduct an independent research programme in clinical psychological science, and to give high-quality clinical research supervision at graduate level to students studying for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.  In addition, the postholder will contribute to the supervision of MSci projects undertaken by students in Experimental Psychology and provide advanced clinical psychology exposure at undergraduate level. They will have a strong commitment to open and reproducible science and be committed to educating students and training the next generation of clinical research leaders. Within the College the postholder will contribute to a vibrant interdisciplinary programme and in the support of postgraduate students across a variety of departments.   

You should have a doctorate in Psychology or a related science; an ability to contribute to teaching and training of students studying for the Doctorate of Clinical Psychology and MSc in Experimental Psychology; a strong and developing track record of research in psychology; and current research funding or an independent research track record likely to attract competitive research grant funding. You will also be expected to participate in the administration of Reuben College and the Department of Experimental Psychology.

Closing date: 12.00 noon on 17 May 2024.

Find out more and apply here