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Academic posts

Senior Research Fellow in Statistical Quantitative Finance

We are looking to appoint a 5-year Senior Research Fellow (renewable after 5 years) to join Reuben, but based between the Department of Statistics and the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance (OMI). The postholder will split their time roughly 40/60 between the two departments, but the appointment is formally held in the Department of Statistics. This permanent position is comparable in status with an Associate Professorship. Applicants should note the possibility for MPLS Division to confer the title of Associate Professor on appointment, should the successful candidate meet the University’s criteria. 

The appointment will be in the areas of statistical quantitative finance, in particular data science and machine learning applied to quantitative finance. This is an exciting opportunity to lead an independent programme of research, and contribute to the teaching and administration of the Department of Statistics and the OMI. At the OMI, the postholder will collaborate with faculty members from various departments of the University (e.g., Mathematics, Engineering, and Saïd Business School).

Closing date: 12.00 noon on 11 June 2024.

Find out more and apply here