Sayyed Manzer


Manzer is a Chevening Scholar from India and is currently pursuing MSc. in Evidence Based Social Intervention & Policy Evaluation at the University of Oxford. He has over 5 years of experience in the domain of social impact and previously worked as a development consultant with NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development), ImpactDash, Government of New Delhi and Maharashtra etc. where he undertook monitoring, evaluation and Impact Assessment studies for public and civil institutions. He previously studied Masters in Social Work with specialization in Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) where he also founded BRIDGE; a student-led initiative which works to provide financial support to the first-generation learners from marginalized sections, preventing academic immobility due to lack of funds. In the last two years, BRIDGE has furthered support to more than 25 students. Manzer is keen on exploring ways to address poverty through an intersection of Community Knowledge and Evidence Based Social Interventions. An advocate of participatory development, Manzer firmly believes in the potential of community led interventions for sustainable and equitable development.

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